
iommi pages are used to compose parts of a page into a full page.


class MyPage(Page):
    title = html.h1('My page')
    users = Table(auto__model=User)
    create_user = Form.create(auto__model=User)

This creates a page with an h1 tag, a table of users and a form to create a new user. You can add it your like this: path('my_page/', MyPage().as_view()), or make a function based view and return MyPage().

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The Page class is used to compose pages. If you have installed the iommi middleware you can also return them directly from your views. They accept str, Part and Django Template types:

class MyPage(Page):
    # Using the html builder to create a tag safely
    h1 = html.h1('Welcome!')

    # If you write an html tag in here it will be
    # treated as unsafe and escaped by Django like normal
    body_text = 'Welcome to my iommi site...'

    # You can nest Page objects!
    some_other_page = MyOtherPage()

    # Table and Form are Part types
    my_table = Table(auto__model=Artist)

    # Django template
    other_stuff = Template('<div>{{ foo }}</div>')

The types here that aren’t Part will be converted to a Part derived class as needed.

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html is a little builder object to create simple elements. You just do html.h1('some text') to create an h1 html tag. It works by creating Fragment instances, so the html.h1('foo') is the same as Fragment('some text', tag='h1'), which is itself a convenient short way to write Fragment(children__text='some text', tag='h1'). See Fragment for more available parameters.


Part is the base class/API for objects that can be composed into a page.


Advanced example:


This fragment will render as:

<div baz='quux'>foobar</div>

This might seem overly complex for such a simple thing, but when used in reusable components in iommi Fragment objects can be further customized with high precision.