
iommi queries makes it easy to implement searching and filtering in your Django app.

Major features:

  • Generate simple filtering GUIs

  • Supply your views with an advanced query language

  • Query language can be used stand alone without the GUI parts

  • Highly customizable GUI based on iommi Forms

Queries are normally used from inside iommi tables where they are an integrated part, but can also be used stand alone. See below for an example.


The code for the example above:


Read the full documentation and the Cookbook for more.

Query language

iommi comes with an advanced query language so users can filter tables after what they want. Searching songs can look like this:

album=Paranoid AND lyrics:"have the power"

This will find the song War Pigs, as it’s from the album Paranoid and the lyrics contains the text “have the power”. The query language supports AND and OR, parenthesis and the operations <, <=, >, >= for numerical values, and = for all values which is an exact case insensitive match. You can exclude with !=. As the example above shows : is used for case insensitive “contains” queries, and the inverse of that is !:.

iommi tries to support what the user might intuitively write for searching boolean columns. It will interpret “n”, “no”, “0” (zero), “false”, “f” and “off” as false and the corresponding values for true.

You can configure a Filter to be case sensitive by setting query_operator_to_q_operator to case_sensitive_query_operator_to_q_operator.

iommi queries have a special form for filtering directly on pk, which can be very handy: album.pk=3.

query_operator_for_field specifies what operation the simple form uses to interpret its inputs. The default is =, meaning exact case insensitive match.

If you have table of Song and a foreign key to Album, if you search for album=Paranoid iommi will by default create the Django query Q(album__name='Paranoid'). If your model has different fields used as names, you must register those with register_search_fields, or if you want something other special for just this view you can use the search_fields parameter to specify the fields to use. Note that you can use pk or other non-string columns as search fields if you want.

Stand alone example

Simple view that allows the user to search for an album by choosing the artist from a drop down, and search for specific year in the advanced mode:

class AlbumQuery(Query):
    artist = Filter.choice_queryset(choices=Artist.objects.all())
    year = Filter.integer()

def albums(request):
    query = AlbumQuery().bind(request=request)
    return render(
            'query': query,
            'albums': query.get_q(),
<!-- albums.html -->
{{ query }}

    {% for album in albums %}
        <li>{{ album }}</li>
    {% endfor %}

You will also need to render the assets in your <head> tag:

{% for asset in query.iommi_collected_assets.values %}
    {{ asset }}
{% endfor %}
▼ Hide result

Programmatically call the search API:

query = Query(auto__model=Album).bind(request=request)
albums_queryset = query.parse_query_string(
    'artist="Black Sabbath" and (year=1991 or year=1992)'