
iommi has the goal to be easy to integrate into your existing code base, in addition to being great for developing new products. In order to accomplish both these goals we need to be able to plug in to whatever CSS framework you have. By default iommi uses a bootstrap style, but it also ships with a few other style definitions, and you can define your own. Styles in iommi do more than just apply CSS classes, you can target any configuration in iommi with style definitions. This means not just how things look, but also how they work.

The styles iommi ships with are:

  • bootstrap

  • bootstrap5

  • bulma

  • foundation

  • semantic_ui

  • water

  • uikit

  • django_admin

There are also some internal styles, most notably base which is used for common style data for all styles, and test which is used for the tests.

You can change which style your app uses by default by setting IOMMI_DEFAULT_STYLE to the name of your style in the Django settings.

Creating a custom style#

When creating a new style there are two steps: define the style by creating a Style object, and register your style with register_style('my_style', my_style). A good place to do that is in your AppConfig.ready().

When defining a style you can start from an existing style, just start from base, or totally from scratch. Totally from scratch is a lot more work, so we recommend one of the other options if you can. Styles contain some basic concepts:

  • basing your style on one or more styles (you can base a style on a style object that isn’t registered)

  • assets

  • base_template/content_block

  • targeting a class for styling

  • targeting a shortcut for styling

Things you will most likely want to target with a style are:

  • tag

  • attrs (especially attrs__class)

  • template (try to avoid this as it can make upgrading iommi versions more brittle)

Basing on another style#

To base a style on one or more styles, you pass the style objects positionally. The order is significant as later styles can override previous definitions. A simple example might be my_style = Style(bootstrap) which is just a new style based on bootstrap. Note that style objects don’t need to be registered to be used like this, so you can use this to compose parts that make sense to keep separate for readability or reuse.


You can define assets on either the root (for common assets you want on all pages, like the CSS framework), or on specific classes or shortcuts to conditionally include them if that component is present on the page. Assets from all components and the style root are collected and rendered in the <head> tag.

Defining an asset on the root:


There is also a useful shortcut for JavaScript assets: Asset.js(attrs__src='url'). You can put script and css literals (or anything really) there if you want:

Asset(tag='style', text='body { font-color: blue; }')

Adding an asset on a specific shortcut:


Adding an asset on a specific class:



By default iommi uses iommi/base.html to render pages. For simple projects this works very well, but for more complex sites you might need something more complex. So you can define your base template in a style definition:


If you do this, you will have to make sure to render the iommi assets in the <head> tag:

{% for asset in assets.values %}
    {{ asset }}
{% endfor %}

By default iommi will render the iommi page contents into the “content” block, to override this you can define content_block:


Targeting a class for styling#

You can apply style definitions via the class name:


The style system will look at the full class hierarchy when it looks at what definitions to apply. It will also match on the name of the class only, the package name doesn’t matter.

Targeting a shortcut for styling#

You can apply style definitions on shortcut names:


The style system will look at the full shortcut hierarchy when it looks at what definitions to apply. So for example the shortcut Field.choice_queryset is based on Field.choice so it will get the style configuration for Field.choice in addition to the definitions for Field.choice_queryset.

The shortcut definitions are applied after the class definitions, as they are more specific.