General ------- How do I find the path to a parameter? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Navigating the namespaces can sometimes feel a bit daunting. To help with this iommi has a special debug mode that can help a lot. By default it's set to settings.DEBUG, but to set it explicitly put this in your settings: .. code-block:: python IOMMI_DEBUG = True Now iommi will output `data-iommi-path` attributes in the HTML that will help you find the path to stuff to configure. E.g. in the kitchen sink table example a cell looks like this: .. code-block:: html explicit value To customize this cell you can pass for example `columns__e__cell__format=lambda value, **_: value.upper()`. Instead of looking at the DOM, you can use the "pick" tool where you can get the path by clicking on the item you want. You will also get a link to the right place into the API docs for the thing you clicked on. Another nice way to find what is available is to append `?/debug_tree` in the url of your view. You will get a table of available paths with the ajax endpoint path, and their types with links to the appropriate documentation. If `IOMMI_DEBUG` is on you will also get the iommi debug toolbar on your pages. `Code` will jump to the code for the current view in PyCharm. You can configure the URL builder to make it open your favored editor by setting `IOMMI_DEBUG_URL_BUILDER` in settings: .. code-block:: python IOMMI_DEBUG_URL_BUILDER = lambda filename, lineno: f'my_editor://{filename}:{lineno}' Visual Studio Code example: .. code-block:: python IOMMI_DEBUG_URL_BUILDER = lambda filename, lineno: f"vscode://file/{filename}:{lineno}:0" The `Tree` link will open the `?/debug_tree` page mentioned above.