Endpoint ======== Base class: :doc:`Traversable` Class that describes an endpoint in iommi. You can create your own custom endpoints on any :doc:`Part`. An endpoint can return an `HttpResponse` directly, or a `Part` (which is rendered for you); everything else we try to dump to json for you. Example: .. code-block:: python def my_view(request): return Page( parts__h1=html.h1('Hi!'), endpoints__echo__func=lambda value, **_: value, ) This page will respond to `?/echo=foo` by returning a json response `"foo"`. Refinable members ----------------- * `assets` * `endpoints` * `extra_params` * `func` Type: `Callable` * `include`     (:ref:`evaluated `) Type: `bool` Default: `True` * `iommi_style` Type: `str` Methods ------- `on_bind` ^^^^^^^^^ `own_evaluate_parameters` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^